Taylor and Madam Lucy talk in a hallway.

The Funnel

The Funnel follows Trina (Cat Christmas), a young Black poet living on the South Side of Chicago, as she navigates an escalating housing crisis with her mother. After falling into an intimate recollection of her family's history, she awakes in a world with people, sounds, and possibilities she's never known. An encounter with a familiar spirit opens her eyes and heart to a new gift.

Press & media inquiries, please contact:
Jasu Sims | jasu@presstheory.com

Directors Statement

Creating The Funnel allowed me to show up for myself, my ancestors, and future generations of Black people seeking more complete stories about our lives. I was inspired by Saidiya Hartman’s groundbreaking book, “Wayward Lives, Beautiful Experiments,” and the rich portrayal of young Black women rebelling against the politics of respectability. In bringing the story to Chicago, I was able to connect the essence of Black life in the 1940’s kitchenette building with today’s ongoing struggles for housing justice. 

This allowed me to focus on the physical, spiritual, and emotional interiority across generations. In doing so, I join a tradition of Black feminist filmmaking that focuses on the beautiful struggle of Black life with care and a commitment to telling the truth. 

As a first-time director, I could not have dreamed of a better cast and crew to make this film. The Funnel is just the beginning of my journey with this epic tale – each character has a story that must be told more deeply and in a longer format. I hope that this film agitates audience members into more curiosity about housing justice, Black queer and trans lives and offers an example of what is possible when love is a bridge. *Black love always wins.*

Charlene A. Carruthers
Writer & Director
The Funnel